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Why Autumn Coaching?

As I embraced my coaching career I worked endless hours to think of just the right name. After sharing all my choices with friends and close relatives, the name Autumn coaching emerged! At first I laughed and wondered where did THAT come from? And then as I stretched myself and took time to think more deeply, I thought.. “When you hear the word ‘AUTUMN’ what vision comes to mind?” Perhaps… a time when everywhere we look we can see changes happening before our very eyes! All the leaves on the trees are turning fabulous, vibrant colors one by one. How does this happen? How many amazing colors are there? It makes us exclaim “how wondrous are your ways G-d?!” Then the trees actually lose their leaves and REBIRTH - A new beginning starts immediately! Wow! How relevant??


What are YOUR true colors?


Let's explore and let's take this journey together.

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